Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011

Vincent van Gogh / Weit weg, out of Space.

In der S1 heute nach Birkenwerder übermannte mich auf einmal eine unbändige Wolllust. Der Sänger und Schriftsteller aus Bremen hätte hier wohl noch irgendwo untergebracht, dass sich das Wort Wolllust gewiss nicht von Wolle ableitet, sondern wohl eher von wollen. Und wenn man grad unbändig will, scheint die S1 ein recht unpassender Ort. +++ In der ganzen Stadt Leute mit Blumensträußen. Junge Damen und Herren. Was soll's bedeuten? +++ Die Oranienburger Straße in Mitte war in den 90er Jahre eine der hippesten überhaupt. Ich stellte mir immer vor, wie Rucksacktouristen aus aller Welt an der Oranienburger, Ecke Eichborndamm, in Reinickendorf stehen und denken, na, sooo toll ist es hier auch wieder nicht! +++ Im gigantischen Sommer von '89 bin ich die Strecke nach Norden mit meinem Kumpel A.K. einmal hochgefahren, meinem ältesten Freund. Die Mauer stand noch, und in Frohnau war dann Schluss. Fühlte mich großartig, damals; vom Studium einmal abgesehen. Zum ersten Mal frei, oder so. Oder, um mit Clueso zu sprechen: "Weit weg, out of Space". +++ Am Rande des Märkischen Viertels, wo Sido sich einst seine Gangsta-Sporen verdiente, war heute Flohmarkt. Zwischen all dem Gerümpel: Vincent van Goghs Sonnenblumen. Stark. Ich kaufte ein Buch für 1 Euro fünfzig. +++ Ein junger Italiener in Birkenwerder erzählte einem gesetzteren deutschen Ehepaar, auf der Hochzeit eines Freundes hätten sie sich im Fernsehen die "Weddinge" von William und Kate angesehen. Die deutsche Frau kringelte sich höflich. Es gab hier noch Kännchen, das war sehr beruhigend. Die blonde Kellnerin war unglaublich hübsch. Und unglaublich dick. Mit ihrem Lächeln konnte sie Steine zum Schmelzen bringen. +++ Das mit den Blumen hat sich am Ende dann noch aufgeklärt: Heute ist Muttertag. Das wäre ja beinah ins Auge gegangen. +++ Ich seh die Welt, die sich dreht / und schau verkehrt rum durchs Teleskop / Ich bin weit weg out of Space / Mir is egal, wie's euch geht / Ich brauch' kein' Funk und kein Telefon / Ich bin weit weg out of Space (Clueso, "Out of Space")

Fotos: Muttertag © KvK, 2011

7 Kommentare:

  1. Auf Flohmarkt im MV? Hättste ma n Ton gesagt!
    Und Buch: Karl Mays "Ich"?

  2. Ich hab kein' Funk und kein Telefon.

  3. KvK - summer of '899. Mai 2011 um 03:23

    I got my first real six-string
    Bought it at the five-and-dime
    Played 'til my fingers bled
    It was Berlin and summer of '89

    Me and some guys from school
    Had a Band and we tried real hard
    Jimmy quit and Jody got married
    I shualda known we'd never get far

    Oh when I lock back now
    That was seemes to last forever
    And if I had the choice
    Ya - I'd always wanna be there
    Those were the best days of my life

    Standin on a mama's porch
    You told me that you'd wait forever
    Oh and when you held my hand
    I knew that it was no or never
    Those were the best days of my life

    Back in Summer of '89

    Man we were killin' time
    We were young and restless
    We needed to unwind
    I guess nothin' can last forever, no

    Now I have a bar in the city I like
    And some nights are still allright
    But the hot and enthusiastic days
    are over and life's just a fight

  4. I got my first game system.
    Bought it at the five-and-dime.
    Played it 'til my fingers bled.
    It was the summer of '89.

    Me and some guys from school...
    Played Pac-Man and we tried real hard.
    Jimmy quit and Brodie got a girlfriend.
    I should've known we'd never get far.

    Oh, when I look back now...
    Beatin' Zaxxon used to take forever.
    But if I had the choice...
    Yeah, I'd always play Defender.
    Those were the best days of my life.

    Ain't no use in complaining...
    When you lose a life or two.
    Spent my evenings down at the arcade...
    And that's when I found you.
    Sittin' at the 2nd floor.
    It hurt when you told me "Game Over."
    But when I put a coin in...
    I knew that it was now or never.
    Those were the best days of my life.
    Oh, yeah, back in the summer of '89! Oh!\

    Man we were killin' time.
    We were playin Tetris and Mario all night.
    I guess nothin' can last forever - forever, no! Yeah!

    And now the times are changin'.
    Look at everything that's come and gone.
    Sometimes when I play that old system...
    I think about and wonder what went wrong.

    Sittin' at the 2nd floor.
    It hurt when you told me "Game Over."
    Oh, when I put a coin in...
    I knew that it was now or never.
    Those were the best days of my life.
    Oh, yeah, back in the summer of '89!
    Oh! It was the summer of '89!

  5. School got out
    And summer arrived
    We kicked things off with a water fight
    There we were
    Just a moment in time
    Looking back
    It was the time of our lives
    It was a summer made of dreams
    And it had just begun
    Sunrise woke me with a beautiful song
    A brand new day in a beautiful world
    Ran through the backyard’s cool morning shadows
    My friends next door would meet me by the wall
    Our lives as free as a fantasy
    Wide awake in a dream

    It was the summer of fun
    And you know that’s what we had
    It was the summer to which
    I will always look back
    We were kids growing up
    Walking a straight path
    Having the times of our lives
    In the summer of ’89

    The doors to my dad’s store closed for good
    Filled the fridge with candy
    Who drank all the Yoo-hoo
    Sang along to Pirate Radio
    Pretended I was a DJ as I taped the songs
    I still laugh thinking when my cousin said, “Women are all like snakes”

    We packed our bags and flew to Washington
    My cousin’s wedding, family reunion
    Another plane, we’re off to Montreal
    Road trip with Zou Zou to Niagara Falls
    Richard Marx woke us to, “Right Here Waiting For You”

    It was the summer of fun
    And you know that’s what we had
    It was the summer to which
    I will always look back
    We were kids growing up
    Walking a straight path
    Having the times of our lives
    In the summer of ’89

    I remember the late night barbeques
    Spin the bottle in the family room
    Picking peaches from our yard of fruits
    You sang La Bamba and I yelled “Shut Up!”
    Tied a string to a beetle, watched it fly like a kite
    I liked to tape record everyday life

    It was the summer of fun
    And you know that’s what we had
    It was the summer to which
    I will always look back
    We were kids growing up
    Walking a straight path
    Having the times of our lives
    In the summer of ’89

  6. mönsch kai! an dem H&M-Poster bin ich um 10:45:37 Uhr vorbeigefahren und hab's auch geknipst! da war der schatten noch über den augen, beweisfoto kann nachgeliefert werden! Das ist faszinierend, wir kommen uns immer näher!

  7. Bei mir wird es so eins gewesen sein, gestern. Hast Du Dich auch gefragt, warum die nur das Bikini-Top anbieten? Für 4.95?
